The Legend of Drunken Master review
funny movie especially the dubbed out japenese language. of course drinking wouldn't do that
Gears of War 2 review
AHHHHHHHHHHH i LOVE this game i could play it for days and days to come. the lancer is KICK ASS, the bow gun is to fun to even type. all in all this game is right up there with COD and Halo series
Gears of War review
this was my favorite game for the 360 until halo3 came out. my favorite gun is the chainsaw gun. it's insane. LET ME TELL U THAT THE SECOND ONE IS SOOOOO MUUUCH BETTER
Heatseeker review
Awesome, but i have the music video pack and it's amazazing. yes sometimes they can repeat their riffs and stuff, but they're good
Legend: The Best of Bob Marley and The Wailers review
awesome! i love like every song and was very relaxing to listen to :P
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed review
fun but glitchy and kinda annoying. i thought it was kinda fun
Pokemon Battle Revolution review
i wouldn't get this unless you've got WFC and a DS with pokemon diamond or pearl